Théo Robine-Langlois, Tatiana Karl Pez, Maxime Actis, Mélanie Blaison, Claire Finch, Bocar Freeman, sabrina soyer, Martin Widmer
LongPlay 8English
*Duu radio has recently acquired a vinyl burner in order to realize micro editions of sound projects. This tool allows to burn vinyl records by unit, at real speed.
For its 10th anniversary, *Duu radio proposes the edition of 10 vinyls of 10 copies each, from the archives of the radio, as well as an unpublished project realized for the exhibition.
The eighth vinyl presents "Quotidienne D2rivation", a program proposed by Théo Robine-Langlois in July 2020 during a residency in the *Duu studio within the framework of the program Plaine d'Artistes in partnership with L'E. P.P.G.H.V. (Établissement Public du Parc et de la Grande Halle de la Villette) and in connection with the program Un été culturel de la DRAC Île-De-France.
With readings by Maxime Actis, Mélanie Blaison, Claire Finch, Tatiana Karl Pez, Bocar Freeman, Théo Robine-Langlois, sabrina soyer and Martin Widmer.

Side A
Tatiana Karl PezMaxime Actis
Claire Finch
Bocar Niang
Side B
Martin Widmersabrina soyer
Mélanie Blaison
Théo Robine-Langlois

The posters of the Long Play project for the ten years of *Duu radio were designed in collaboration with the Atelier de Communication graphique de la Hear, and more particularly Alice Bourdelon, Clément Gass and Olivier Quern. The posters of the exhibition become, thanks to a folding system, the sleeves of the engraved vinyls. The cut-outs of the posters are used for the vinyl buttons.
Image : Clément Gass
Théo Robine-Langlois
Théo Robine-Langlois is a graduate of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Art de Paris-Cergy and the Ecole du Magasin in Grenoble. Théo Robine-Langlois' practice explores language through different writing media, such as the screen, the book, the radio or the Internet. He is a correspondent for *Duuu, and a member of After 8 Books, a bookstore and publishing house based in Paris.[...] is his first book published by Nous. *Un nuage c'est beaux au pire* c'est chiant is his first vinyl published by *Duuu.